Mr. Chanda
4 min readMay 27, 2021



Daily Improvements

“Your Earning Is Proportional With Your Personal Developments” — Jim Rohn

Your life becomes actually secured when every single day you improve yourself in some ways. Most of the people do possess worriedness of either losing the wealth they earned or the health they have maintained. But, as matter of fact very negligible percentage of people are actually committed to improve themselves. It has been estimated that 96 % of people fail when they try to better themselves.

“He Who Stops Being Better Stops Being Good”

Oliver Cromwell

How daily improvements help us ?

An evidence-based study says that one percent improvement each day will actually give 37.7 percent development in a year. Daily little improvements in any area of your life has a compounding effects.

Think of regular exercise. It has a compounding effect. Over a period of time you develop a better muscular stature.

Think of wealth accumulation. Wealth is accumulated over a period of time through compounding ( if not inherited )

Think of a knowledgeable man. Little learning each day, over a period of time one becomes a knowledgeable man.

On the lighter side, Compounding is probably the 8Th wonders of the world!

You need to develop habits and positive mindset orientation.

How to make personal improvement plan ?

Creating a personal improvement plan is critical. The suggested ways for personal improvement plan may be as follows –

Ø Plan SMART Goals — SMART stands for ‘specific’, ‘measurable’, ‘achievable’, ‘realistic’ and ‘time bound’. In order to improve everyday on something of your preference and passion set a ‘SMART’ goal. SMART goal is an intelligent planning for the achievers.

Go That ‘Extra’ Mile — Where lies the difference between ordinary and extra-ordinary people?

It is just a one word answer — EXTRA.

The legend Dr. Ashok Ganguly who was not only a chairman in Hindustan Unilever Limited ( HUL) but also profoundly respected and dignified personality in corporate India was asked a question what is a major ingredient to succeed? He replied in corporate career particular and life in general moving out one’s ‘comfort zone’ is a major and irreplaceable ingredient.

In order to improve everyday whatever small way possible you have to break the barrier of your comfort zone. When you break the limit of comfort zone you automatically do some extra than your peers or competitors.

That is why Shiv Khera eminent author, activist and respected motivational speaker very correctly says “ Winners don’t do different things , they do the things differently”.

Improve everyday , make yourself better and be different.

Ø The Concept of ‘Kaizen’ — It is a Japanese word and Japanese philosophy of ‘change for the better’ or ‘continuous improvement’.

“When you improve a little each day, eventually big things occur. When you improve conditioning a little each day, eventually you have a big improvement. Not, tomorrow, not the next day, but eventually a big gain is made. Don’t look for the big, quick improvement. Seek the small improvement

one day at a time. That’s the way it happens- and when it happens, it lasts.” John Wooden

Ø Becoming a master

Your little improvement each day eventually over a period of time makes you master or great in your dedicated field. But, how long you need to practice? Is there any approximation of duration? Is there any study report? How to become great at anything?

How to become great at anything is a combination of lots of ingredients. Malcolm Gladwell in his famous book ‘outliers’ the story of success mentioned a ‘10000 hrs rule’ to develop expertise.

What is 10000 hrs rule?

Daniel Levitin writer, psychologist, neuroscientist written that the emerging picture of some studies are that ten thousand hrs. of practice is required to achieve the level of mastery associated with being a world class expert — in anything you do. In study after study of composers, players, authors, indoor players, outdoor players this number comes up again and again.

Your strong Belief system and untiring practice can be a formidable combination.

Read more on the Power of Belief-Systems.

So, making personal improvements plan are first stepping stone towards your achievement.

Ø Celebrate your Achievement — “Journey of a thousand miles begin with a small step”. When you create a self development plan and every day slowly improve it and eventually master it, that immensely gratifies you. The feelings of fulfilment, joy and satisfaction give a boost to further excel.

That is the time you yourself must pat your back. You re-vitalize yourself, recharge yourself towards a new line of personal improvements. This is also a time to develop an ‘attitude of gratitude’ because in your every improvements might be someone who has silently contributed you for your new learnings or personal development.

Concluding Remarks — This is a world of instant gratification! People expect everything at once and wants to satisfy immediately. But, the matter of fact is any big or significant improvements can not happen overnight. It is always an uninterrupted, relentless daily small improvements which actually make you stronger in your field. Parctice..practice…and ..practice…..You learn to master. You learn to rule. You are enriched with wisdom. You develop conviction, confidence, self-esteem and finally you become a newer version of yourself. Make a commitment and at the end of the day when you hit the bed ask yourself –

· What did I learn today ?

· What improvements did I make today ?

Message to carry –

“Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.” Bill Gates ( Founder of Microsoft)

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